Comparing rates and alternative investment options
When looking at where to invest your savings, it’s important to understand how rates are advertised and what you’ll get back for your money.
When looking at where to invest your savings, it’s important to understand how rates are advertised and what you’ll get back for your money.
Earlier this week, the Government announced their latest financial plans. These will affect National Insurance and pensions which impact both Police Officers and their families.
Black Friday this year is 24th November. Love it or hate it, it’s hard not to be tempted to scour the internet for a deal.
The Government has revealed its latest financial plans in the Budget, with headline announcements regarding pensions, childcare costs and energy bills support.
The Government has announced a new set of measures that will affect the finances of working people.
At the moment, money is a difficult point of conversation for a lot of us. The amount of stress within the Police Service is concerning, with some having missed meals
As today’s younger generations face a range of challenges in their financial lives, grandparents can play a vital role in helping their family members reach their goals and milestones.
The Government has announced a reversal of several of the measures in its mini-budget which will affect people’s finances.
The Government has announced a mini-budget featuring a range of measures that will affect working people’s finances, including a reduction in income tax.
Since 1893, Metfriendly has been dedicated to helping serving and retired UK Police and their relatives. For Officers and Staff, we’re here for you from the moment you begin life in
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Metfriendly is the trading name for Metropolitan Police Friendly Society Limited
Metropolitan Police Friendly Society Ltd is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Firm ref No. 110026).
Incorporated under the Friendly Societies Act 1992 and Registered in the UK No. 496F